Hey guys! We have a online playable dev build of DS 2 on at our website for all to try out. Watch as our game changes, new things are added/changed and polished. If you have every wondered what game dev is like check out our website regularly.
Play the demo at http://www.rabiddesignstudios.com/projects/dungeon-shooter-2/
What has been added since our last update.
removed all music tracks which will not be in the game
added tommy gun, rocket launcher, and shotgun sound
fixed player firing when mouse is over gui
moved players audio listener so gun sounds are more centered sounding -
added original Dungeon Shooter music tracks -
added music manager
added music player controls to test scene
added possible music tracks to test scene -
changed pistol sound
added laser rifle sound
added Gat Turret sound
added item pickup sounds -
added chest open sound
added health pickup sound
added key pickup sound
added map pickup sound
added bullet sound -
added laser and napalm hit effect